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Guild Bursaries and Grants



The Guild of Waggoneers and Artificers (The Guild), a not-for-profit society, recognizes the importance of education to individuals and to our nation. Our objectives are to encourage and enable student achievement in gaining post-secondary study or attending historic and/or educational events.

A number of post-secondary bursaries and grants have been sponsored for the benefit of members of the Combat Service Support Regimental Family and other youths which include:

  • Serving members and their immediate families,

  • Veterans and their immediate families,

  • COATS-GIC officers,

  • Royal Canadian Army Cadets, and

  • An annual sponsorship of a youth from of chosen youth organization (determined annually by the Guild Executive Committee (GEC)).

The Guild of Waggoneers and Artificers underwrites the annual provision of up to five $1000 bursaries. Grants will be determined annually by the GEC (funding and number of Grants is flexible).

Bursaries and Grants will be awarded based on the decisions of the Guild Bursaries Selection Committee. Applications Deadline: January 15th (of each year)




All Regular Force and Primary Reserve members of Combat Service Support classifications/trades (not qualified for VAC or CAF assistance), their qualified immediate family members, and COATS-CIC/GSO members serving with either a Logistics or RCEME Cadet Corps in British Columbia are eligible to apply for a Bursary.

All former Regular Force and former Primary Reserve members of Combat Service Support classifications/trades (not qualified for VAC or CAF assistance), and their qualified immediate family members are eligible to apply for a Bursary.

“Qualified immediate family members” means a spouse, son or daughter, or a person under the legal guardianship of a serving or serving/former Regular Force, or a serving/former Primary Reserve member of Combat Service Support classifications/trades.

Applicants must be enrolled in, or continuing their studies at a provincially-recognized post-secondary educational institution (e.g., community college, technical training institution or university). Attendance may be full time, part time or by correspondence, however, the program of study must lead to the awarding of a certificate, diploma or degree. A maximum of two bursaries may be awarded to an individual during their lifetime.




Applicants will be Royal Canadian Army Cadets active with Logistics or RCEME Cadet Corps (such as 2947 (RCEME) RCACC or 3005 (Logistics) RCACC - this does not apply to civilian or volunteer cadet instructors. Applicants must reside in British Columbia.


Applicants must be enrolled in, or continuing their studies at a provincially-recognized post-secondary educational institution (e.g., community college, technical training institution or university).

Attendance may be full time, part time or by correspondence, however, the program of study must lead to the awarding of a certificate, diploma or degree.

A maximum of two bursaries may be awarded to an individual during their lifetime.




This Grant is intended to assist a youth from the selected youth organization (chosen by the GEC) to attend a course, seminar or education/historic event that meets the aim of the youth organization.


Applicants will be active with the chosen youth organization.


Applicants must be enrolled in, or continuing their studies at a provincially-recognized secondary school or post-secondary educational institution (e.g., community college, technical training institution or university).

Value of the Grant will be determined by the GEC.




This Grant is intended to assist a current or former member of the Regimental Family to attend a course, seminar or education/historic event that is supported by the GEC.


Value of the Grant will be determined by the GEC.


1.  The Guild Bursaries Selection Committee is composed of a Guild Director and two to four Guild members. The Director is the Chair of this committee.

2.  The Bursaries and Grants will be offered to qualified individuals per the Guild Bursaries and Grants Outline.

3.  No later than 31 October, the Bursaries and Grants will be posted on the Guild website, the 39 Service Battalion Regimental website, RCACC websites and the Colonel Sherman Armoury Association website (veterans). Where possible other websites will be used to post these Bursaries and Grants such as the Mainland BC Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC), the Esquimalt MFRC and selected youth organization (selected annually by the Guild Executive Committee).

4.  The Selection Committee will assess each candidate and determine if the applicant meets the stated requirements and has submitted all information required with their application. Each member of the Selection Committee will be provided with a score sheet and grade the applicant in each area (e.g. meets all requirements, grades on transcripts, reference letters, the applicant’s letter etc). Each Committee member will submit to the Chair each applicant’s score sheet. The Chair will tabulate and post the results to the Committee. If an applicant is clearly the lead the bursary/grant will be awarded. If there is a tie between candidates, the Committee will meet to further discuss the candidates and make a final selection.

5.  Applicants for a Bursary or Grant must complete an application form which includes, as a minimum, the following information:


  • Full Name

  • Address

  • Phone contact

  • Email contact

  • How they meet the qualification for the Bursary or Grant.

  • Supply a certified transcript of their latest school grades and previous year’s grades.

  • Two personal references from teachers and/or coach (at minimum one teacher plus coach).

  • A letter from the applicant describing why they should receive the Bursary/Grant and how it will benefit them.

6.  Results will be presented to the Guild Executive Committee. The applicants selected for the Bursary/Grant will be posted on the Guild website and announced at the Annual Dinner. The selected applicants will be invited to attend the Annual Dinner and presented with a cheque during the evening. Applicants that cannot attend will have a cheque mailed to the address provided.


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